Transthoracic ultrasound 154 Florin von Groote-Bidlingmaier, Coenraad F.N. Koegelenberg and Chris T. Bolliger Chapter 6 Lung injury and respiratory failure Lung injury 159 Bernrd Schönhofer and Christian Karagiannidis Respiratory failure 162 Nicolino Ambrosino and Fabio Guarracino NIV in acute respiratory failure 166 Anita K. Simonds Acute oxygen therapy 171 Anita K. Simonds Assessment for anaesthesia/surgery 174 Macé M. Schuurmans, Chris T. Bolliger and Annette Boehler Long-term ventilation 178 Anita K. Simonds Chapter 7 Respiratory Infections Microbiology testing and interpretation 183 Magareta Ieven Upper respiratory tract infections 190 Gernot Rohde Infective exacerbations of COPD 194 Marc Miravitlles
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