Chapter 13 Pleural, mediastinal and chest wall diseases Pleural effusion 428 Robert Loddenkemper Pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum 432 Paul Schneider Mediastinitis 439 Pierre-Emmanuel Falcoz, Nicola Santelmo and Gilbert Massard Neuromuscular disorders 443 Andrea Vianello Chest wall disorders 448 Pierre-Emmanuel Falcoz, Nicola Santelmo and Gilbert Massard Chapter 14 Thoracic tumours Pathology and molecular biology of lung cancer 451 Sylvie Lantuéjoul, Lénaïg Mescam-Mancini, Barbara Burroni and Anne McLeer-Florin Lung cancer: diagnosis and staging 455 Johan Vansteenkiste, Sofie Derijcke and Inge Hantson Chemotherapy and molecular biological therapy 460 Amanda Tufman and Rudolf M. Huber Surgical treatment for lung cancer 466 Gilbert Massard, Nicola Santelmo and Pierre-Emmanuel Falcoz Radiotherapy for lung cancer 472 Luigi Moretti and Paul Van Houtte
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