12. Prevention of VAP: role of the artificial airway, body position and 153 setting the ventilator G. Li Bassi, M. Ferrer, O.T. Ranzani, J-D. Marti, L. Berra, L. Fernandez and A. Torres 13. Predictors of weaning from mechanical ventilation 169 F. Laghi and D. Morales 14. NIV in withdrawal from mechanical ventilation 191 M. Ferrer, J. Sellares and A. Torres 15. Tracheostomy in mechanical ventilation 206 P. Terragni, A. Trompeo, C. Faggiano, and V.M. Ranieri 16. Mechanical ventilation with advanced closed-loop systems 217 F. Lellouche, A. Bojmehrani and K. Burns 17. Update on sedation and analgesia in mechanical ventilation 229 T. Strøm and P. Toft C O P E C O M M I T T E E O N P U B L I C A T I O N E T H I C S This journal is a member of and subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics.