Monitoring lung pathology: chest radiography and computed tomography 154 Lara Pisani, Giuseppe Francesco Sferrazza Papa and Davide Chiumello Monitoring patient–ventilator interaction 159 Candelaria de Haro, Leonardo Sarlabous, José Aquino Esperanza, Rudys Magrans and Lluís Blanch 5. Supportive therapy and rescue strategies in hypoxaemic failure Extracorporeal lung support 171 Christoph Fisser and Thomas Bein Prone position in ARDS 177 Hernán Aguirre-Bermeo and Jordi Mancebo Recruitment manoeuvres 185 Carmen Sílvia Valente Barbas and Gustavo Faissol Janot de Matos Pulmonary vasoactive drugs 195 Luigi Camporota and Francesco Vasques 6. Inhalation therapy in ventilated patients Inhalation therapy in ventilated patients 201 Federico Longhini and Paolo Navalesi 7. Weaning from mechanical ventilation Weaning definition and outcome 207 Laurent Brochard, Michael Sklar and Martin Dres Weaning protocols and automatic modes 214 Louise Rose Failure to wean and causes for difficult weaning 221 Alexandra Beurton and Martin Dres
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