xvii Conflicts of interest Tiina Andersen reports receiving the following, outside the submitted work: honoraria for lectures from BREAS and Philips. Tiina Andersen was a member of the BREAS advisory board on airway clearance techniques (March 2022), and held roles on the organisation committees of the JIVD/ERCA 2022 Congress and the ERS course on Respiratory Failure and Mechanical Ventilation 2022. Sébastien Baillieul is supported by: ‘My Way to Health’ via the French National Research Agency in the framework of the ‘Investissements d’avenir’ programme (ANR-15-IDEX-02) and the ‘e-health and integrated care and trajectories medicine and MIAI artificial intelligence’ Chairs of Excellence from the Grenoble Alpes University Foundation. Chapter 16.3 was partially supported by MIAI@Grenoble Alpes (ANR-19-P3IA-0003). Sébastien Baillieul would like to thank Alison Foote (Aide-à-la-Pub, Grenoble, France) for critically editing chapter 16.1 and improving English usage. Sébastien Bailly is supported by: ‘My Way to Health’ via the French National Research Agency in the framework of the ‘Investissements d’avenir’ programme (ANR-15-IDEX-02) and the ‘e-health and integrated care and trajectories medicine and MIAI artificial intelligence’ Chairs of Excellence from the Grenoble Alpes University Foundation. Chapter 16.4 was partially supported by MIAI@Grenoble Alpes (ANR-19-P3IA-0003). Maria R. Bonsignore reports receiving the following, outside the submitted work: payment or honoraria for lectures from Bioprojet for pitolisant and Jazz Pharmaceuticals for solriamfetol and support for attending meetings from Bioprojet. Maria R. Bonsignore is a participant on the data safety monitoring board or advisory board of Bioprojet for Pitolisant. Silvia V. Conde reports receiving the following, outside the submitted work: grants or contracts from Cambridge Electronics Design Limited, Oxford Optronics, Caltecnica/Controltecnica and SICGEN Antibodies and support for attending meetings and/or travel from The Physiological Society, Keystone and MDPI. Marieke L. Duiverman reports receiving the following, outside the submitted work: research grants from RESMED Ltd, Philips BV, Löwenstein BV and Vivisol BV payment for lectures from Chiesi, Vivisol and RESMED Ltd and equipment, materials, drugs, medical writing, gifts or other services from Philips BV, Löwenstein BV and Vivisol BV. Francesco Fanfulla reports receiving the following, outside the submitted work: payment for lectures, presentations, speaker’s bureaus, manuscript writing or educational events from GSK and Jazz Pharmaceuticals. Francesco Fanfulla is the President of AIMS (the Associazione Italiana di Medicina del Sonno).