Treatment of central sleep apnoea 164 Winfried Randerath Treatment of hypoventilation/chronic respiratory insufficiency 169 Anita K. Simonds Treatment of nonrespiratory sleep disorders 176 Dirk Pevernagie Chapter 7 -Medicolegal and economic aspects of sleep disorders Medicolegal and economic aspects of sleep disorders 189 Gimbada B. Mwenge and Daniel Rodenstein Chapter 8 -Paediatric respiratory sleep medicine Development of breathing and sleep and physiopathology of 200 apnoea in the first years of life Gary Cohen, Miriam Katz-Salamon and Ha Trang Sleep disordered breathing in children 205 Ha Trang and Anita K. Simonds Comorbid respiratory disorders in children 210 Anita K. Simonds Nonrespiratory conditions in children 213 Ha Trang, Michel Lecendreux and Eric Konofal Clinical assessment in children 218 Maria Pia Villa Diagnostic techniques in children 221 Stijn Verhulst and Wilfried De Backer Management of sleep disordered breathing in children 228 Athanasios Kaditis, Maria Pia Villa, Anita K. Simonds and Ha Trang Index 237