Table of contents Contributors xi Preface xxiii List of abbreviations xxiv 1 – Structure and function of the respiratory system Anatomy and development of the respiratory system 1 Pinelopi Anagnostopoulou and Johannes C. Schittny Applied respiratory physiology 14 Monika Gappa and Nicole Beydon Immunology and defence mechanisms 24 Johanna Theodorou and Bianca Schaub 2 – Respiratory symptoms and signs History and physical examination 36 Sotirios Fouzas, Konstantinos Douros and Michael B. Anthracopoulos Evaluation and management of acute and chronic cough 45 Julie M. Marchant, Anne B. Chang and Ahmad Kantar Evaluation and management of wheezing, stridor, snoring 53 and hoarseness Konstantinos Douros, Sotirios Fouzas and Kostas N. Priftis Evaluation and management of dyspnoea, respiratory distress 62 and respiratory insufficiency Nilay Bas Ikizoglu, Sedat Oktem and Refika Ersu Questionnaires in clinical assessment 73 John A. King and Louise J. Fleming