Molebogeng X. Rangaka Molebogeng X Rangaka is a Professor in Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Public Health at the Institute of Global Health and the MRC Clinical Trials Unit, University College London (London, UK). She holds the position of honorary Associate Professor at the University of Cape Town (Cape Town, South Africa) where she has contributed to global health research in infectious diseases within the School of Public Health and the Wellcome Centre for Clinical Infectious Disease Research Institute in Africa (CIDRIAFRICA) since 2005. She is the co-Director of the Clinical Research Platform of the Wellcome-funded Discovery Platform Award. Lele held a position at the WHO Global TB Programme as the consultant lead for TB prevention, responsible for policy development on the programmatic management of LTBI testing and treatment, with particular focus on under-resourced high-burden contexts. She is the Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre on TB Research and Innovation and the lead for the WHO global TB- IPD platform for TB treatment and outcomes at University College London. Her research spans the epidemiology of poverty-related diseases, randomised assessment of public health technology, digital health innovation and implementation science. Her team conducts clinical trials into TB prevention across a range of multimorbidities, people at risk and world regions. Lele sits on a number of international working groups, including TB-LEAP, the Collaboration for TB Vaccine Discovery (CTVD), the Cross-Network TB Vaccine Working Group (TB Vaccine WG), the Maternal and Child Working Group of The Union (the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease) and the LTBI Task Force of the Stop TB New Diagnostic Working Group. She is also a member of The Lancet Digital Health International Advisory Board and UCL-TB Leadership. xii
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