The Guest Editor The Guest Editor S. Nardini graduated in 1976 in Padua where he gained his speciality in Chest Medicine (1979) and History of Medicine (1986). He was Head of the Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Intermediate Intensive Care Unit of the Morelli Hospital in Sondalo (1994–1996) after which he became Head of the Pulmonary and Tuberculosis Unit in Vittorio, Venete. The post he still holds today. Since the early 1990s he has collaborated on many international working groups including: CARG (the Coordination Advise and Review Group) of the World Health Organization (WHO-Geneva) Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health in the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco The European Respiratory Society’s Working Group Tobacco, Smoking Control and Health Education. The AIPO-Italian National Thoracic Society’s Prevention and Health Education (Tobacco Control) Working Group. He also started the Italian National Project for Smoke-Free Hospitals. He is currently the advisor for the Tobacco Related Health Problems for the National Institute of Health (Instituto Superiore di Santità-Roma). He participated in the coordination of the “smoke-free hospitals” within the Veneto Regional Government (2003–2005). He is currently responsible for the area of “Smoking Cessation” and the “Smoking Cessation Clinic” network and strongly involved in the Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases (GARD) of the WHO in Italy. He has held several editorial positions including: editorial office manager of the journal Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine is part of the editorial board of the Italian edition of the American Journal Of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine and the Italian Journal Of Chest Diseases. He is also the author of over 300 scien- tific abstracts and papers. S. Nardini Mono 42 CV.qxd 20/02/2009 11:43 Page 1