CONTENTS The Guest Editors vii Preface viii Introduction ix 1. Hypoxic and hypercapnic respiratory failure 1 P. Ceriana, S. Nava 2. Exacerbation of obstructive lung diseases: therapy 16 J.R. Hurst, J.A. Wedzicha 3. Ventilation in obstructive lung disease 34 T. Köhnlein, T. Welte 4. Acute respiratory distress syndrome 49 J.J. Haitsma 5. Inhalation injury 64 U. Molitoris, P.M. Vogt, K. Raymondos 6. Extrapulmonary causes of respiratory failure including acute 84 neuromuscular disorders A.K. Simonds 7. Management of massive haemoptysis 95 J. Theron, A.H. Diacon, C.T. Bolliger 8. Tracheobronchial aspiration 108 O. Dikensoy, H. Misra, E. Ekinci, R.W. Light 9. Drowning 125 D.A. Groneberg, J-L. Vincent, T. Welte 10. Pulmonary embolism and the consequences for the right heart 136 F. Reichenberger, C. Nachtmann, F. Grimminger 11. Pneumothorax and bronchopleural fistula 165 M. Noppen 12. Emergencies in interstitial and immunological lung disease 177 M. Kolb, G. Cox The European Respiratory Monograph Number 36 September 2006
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