12. Indoor and outdoor air pollution and the development of asthma 134 Jonathan Grigg 13. Psychological factors 143 James Paton 14. Airway hyperresponsiveness in children 158 Jolt Roukema, Peter Gerrits and Peter Merkus 15. Treatment of acute asthma 172 Johannes H. Wildhaber and Alexander Moeller 16. Treatment of infant and preschool asthma 188 Göran Wennergren and Sigurdur Kristjánsson 17. Treatment of asthma from childhood to adulthood 199 Jorrit Gerritsen and Bart Rottier 18. Follow-up of children with asthma 210 Ted Klok, Eric P. de Groot, Alwin F.J. Brouwer and Paul L.P. Brand 19. New and future developments of therapy for asthma in children 224 Peter D. Sly and Carmen M. Jones C O P E C O M M I T T E E O N P U B L I C A T I O N E T H I C S This journal is a member of and subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics.