Outcomes in Clinical Trials Edited by Martin Kolb and Claus F. Vogelmeier E RESPIRAT EUR N U M B E R 6 2 / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 3 The traditional end-points for clinical studies of lung diseases were based on functional parameters. Their value as surrogate markers for disease activity and progression has been increasingly questioned by scientists, carers, regulatory agencies and funding bodies. Novel tools and methods with regard to biomarkers and patient-reported outcomes have made these parameters emerge from their status as interesting secondary end-points and become potential primary outcomes for clinical trials. Nevertheless, their relevance and validity still needs to be proven. This issue of the European Respiratory Monograph describes the current status regarding end-points in all relevant areas of pulmonary medicine. EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY monograph Print ISSN 1025-448x Online ISSN 2075-6674 Print ISBN 978-1-84984-044-6 Online ISBN 978-1-84984-045-3 Number 62 December 2013 €40.00 Outcomes in Clinical Trials 62 E RESPIRAT E