12. Primary ciliary dyskinesia 201 J.S.A. Lucas, W.T. Walker, C.E. Kuehni and R. Lazor 13. Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations and other pulmonary 218 aspects of HHT C.L. Shovlin, P. Wilmshurst and J.E. Jackson 14. Hepatopulmonary syndrome: a liver-induced oxygenation defect 246 G. Martínez-Palli and R. Rodríguez-Roisin 15. Thoracic endometriosis and catamenial pneumothorax 265 A. Bobbio, R. Trisolini, D. Damotte and M. Alifano 16. Smoking-related interstitial lung disease 282 S. Cerri, P. Spagnolo, F. Luppi and L. Richeldi 17. Rare interstitial lung diseases of environmental origin 301 C. Robalo Cordeiro, T.M. Alfaro, S. Freitas, J. Cemlyn-Jones and A.J. Ferreira 18. Pulmonary hypertension in orphan lung diseases 317 D. Montani, L. Bertoletti, X. Jais, P. Dorfmuller, L. Price, B. Girerd, O. Sitbon, M. Humbert and G. Simonneau 19. Rare indications for lung transplantation 332 J. Gottlieb 20. Pseudo-tumours and reciprocal mimics of neoplastic and 341 non-neoplastic pulmonary disorders N. Girard and J-F. Cordier C O P E C O M M I T T E E O N P U B L I C A T I O N E T H I C S This journal is a member of and subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics.