problem of generalisation of recommendations in guideline documents and from clinical trials, and this topic is addressed objectively in the closing chapter. In this context, it is encouraging that the forthcoming new guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis will be the first authentically global document of this sort that involved the input of experts and scientific societies from all over the world. We are honoured to have had the opportunity to be guest editors of this compilation of such excellent contributions. We are also happy and proud that two internationally recognised experts in the ILD arena accepted our invitation to write the introductory chapter to this ERM: their joint authorship spans two continents and is a reflection not only of their high expertise, but also of the positive globalisation process in place in this field of respiratory medicine. Finally, we thank our wives and families for putting up with our hours in front of the computer, and our junior colleagues for continuing to educate us. R.M. DU BOIS AND L. RICHELDI x
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