CONTENTS Preface a Introduction b 1. Glossary of terms for thoracic radiology 1 A. Banker, P.A. Gevenois 2. Plain chest radiography: the digital revolution 23 C. Schaefer-Prokop 3. Radiation dose in computed tomography of the chest 39 D. Tack, P.A. Gevenois 4. Imaging of pulmonary infections: trends and algorithms 51 T. Franquet 5. Computed tomography assessment of lung structure and function in 76 pulmonary oedema P. Scillia, A. Bankier, P.A. Gevenois 6. Diagnostic strategies for suspected pulmonary embolism 89 M. Pistolesi, F. Lavorini, G. Allescia, M. Miniati 7. Small-airways diseases: detection and insights with computed tomography 106 M. Ujita, D.M. Hansell 8. Computed tomography assessment of lung structure and function in 145 pulmonary emphysema A. Madani, C. Keyser, P.A. Gevenois 9. Imaging of idiopathic interstitial pneumonias 161 S.M. Ellis 10. Pulmonary manifestations of collagen vascular disorders 176 S.R. Desai, A.U. Wells 11. An update on computed tomography screening for lung cancer 195 C.I. Henschke, D. Shaham, E. Brambilla, D.F. Yankelevitz, R. Yip, A. Kramer, C. Brambilla, S. Sone 12. Imaging: staging of lung cancer 214 J.A. Verschakelen, W. De Wever, J. Bogaert, S. Stroobants The European Respiratory Monograph Number 30 December 2004 Contents MON 30.qxd 30/7/09 15:34 Page 1
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