Chapter 7 – NIV and the intensive care unit NIV and weaning 118 Miquel Ferrer NIV to avoid re-intubation 127 Paolo Navalesi and Federico Longhini NIV in the perioperative period 135 Yuda Sutherasan, Maria Vargas and Paolo Pelosi NIV for endoscopic procedures 142 Leo M.A. Heunks, Lisanne Roesthuis and Erik H.F.M. van der Heijden NIV in respiratory pandemics 148 Anita K. Simonds Stepping up and down from NIV to tracheostomy ventilation 155 Mark W. Elliott Chapter 8 – Long-term NIV Chronic NIV in hereditary neuromuscular disorders 163 Anita K. Simonds Chronic NIV in motor neurone disease/ALS 176 Joan Escarrabill Chronic NIV in chest wall disorders 182 Marieke L. Duiverman and Peter J. Wijkstra Chronic NIV in COPD 190 Wolfram Windisch and Jan H. Storre Chronic NIV in OHS 197 Patrick B. Murphy and Nicholas Hart Chronic NIV in bronchiectasis, CF and interstitial lung 204 disease Amanda J. Piper