By buying the ERS Handbook of Respiratory Medicine, you also gain access to the electronic version of the book, as well as an accredited online CME test. To log in, simply visit and enter the unique code printed on inside of the front cover of the book. Once logged in, you’ll be able to download the entire book in PDF or EPUB format, to read on your computer or mobile device. ERS Handbook: Self-Assessment in Respiratory Medicine Edited by Konrad E. Bloch, Paolo Palange and Anita K. Simonds Self-Assessment in Respiratory Medicine is an invaluable tool for any practitioner of adult respiratory medicine. The 111 multiple-choice questions cover the full breadth of the specialty, using clinical vignettes that test not only readers’ knowledge but their ability to apply it in daily practice. xxx Get more from this Handbook Also available from the ERS You’ll also be able to take the online CME test. This handbook has been accredited by the European Board for Accreditation in Pneumology (EBAP) for 18 CME credits. To buy a copy of this Handbook for €50 (€40 for ERS members) plus postage, please contact
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