xxvii Enrico Lombardi reports grants from Restech and Sanofi, personal fees from Angelini, Boehringer, GSK, Omron and Vifor, personal fees and non-financial support from Chiesi, Lusofarmaco, Novartis and Vertex, and non-financial support from AbbVie, outside the submitted work. Jane S. Lucas reports personal fees from Aerocrine/Circassia for work on the PCD advisory board, as well as expenses to attend meetings, research monies and honoraria from Aerocrine/Circassia, all outside the submitted work. Julie M. Marchant reports support from Up to Date for being an author of sections on paediatric chronic cough, outside the submitted work. Antonella Muraro reports speaker’s fees from Nestlè Purina, Aimmune and DVB, outside the submitted work. Nadia Nathan reports support by grants from the Institut National de la Santé et la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), the Legs Poix from the Chancellerie des Universités, Paris (grants 2013 no. 1305, 2014 no. 1405, 2015 no. 1015, 2016 no. 2077 and 2017 no. DP2017/1860), the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7-ChILD-EU 2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 305653, as well as funding from the patient organisations Respirer c’est Grandir and Belleherbe Association. The ILD cohort was developed in collaboration with the Rare Cohort Disease (RaDiCo)-ILD project (ANR- 10-COHO-0003), the FP7-305653-child-EU project and the COST Action European network for translational research in children’s and adult interstitial lung disease (COST-ILD) project (CA16125). Petr Pohunek reports a grant from the Ministry of Health, Czech Republic (conceptual development of research organisation, University Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic grant number 00064203), related to the submitted work. Nicolas Regamey reports educational grants from Novartis, Vifor, Mylan, Actavis, Healthmg, Vertex, Resmed, Philips and GSK, which have been provided to his institution additionally, he has received consultation fees from Novartis, Vifor and Zambon. Michael Riccabona reports non-financial support, travel cost refunds and honoraria from Siemens Heathineers/Acuson, travel cost refunds and honoraria from Bracco, and non-financial support, travel cost refunds and honoraria from GE Heathcare/Kretz (or respective local dealers such as IDS Med in Thailand), outside the submitted work. Bianca Schaub reports grants from the DFG (German Research Foundation) and BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research), outside the submitted work. Johannes C. Schittny reports grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation, related to the submitted work. Florian Singer reports personal fees from Vertex and Novartis, outside the submitted work.