voice clinician and developed a keen interest in laryngology. Acknowledging the significance of the larynx during respiration, she pioneered a clinical specialism to support patients suffering with complex breathlessness. Jemma is now Chief Allied Health Professional at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (Manchester, UK) and a NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre PhD Fellow. She developed and led the multidisciplinary team Manchester Airways Service, which is now established as a leading national referral centre for complex breathlessness management. Her specialist expertise includes managing patients with inducible laryngeal obstruction, refractory chronic cough and difficult-to-control asthma. Jemma is a national Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) professional respiratory advisor and an elected member of the BTS Cough Specialist Advisory Group. She has co-authored several national professional respiratory guidelines and has many peer-reviewed publications relating to her work. Jemma has attended numerous national and international conferences, presenting her clinical research findings. Currently, her research investigates standardised evaluation and treatment for inducible laryngeal obstruction. In 2021, Jemma was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire in the Queen’s birthday honours list and a Fellow of the RCSLT. These prestigious awards are in recognition of her leadership within the field of upper airway disorders in speech and language therapy, in addition to her significant contribution and response to supporting modifications to practice during the COVID-19 pandemic. https://doi.org/10.1183/2312508X.10014322 ix
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