C O N T E N T S The Guest Editors v i P reface v i i I n t roduction v i i i 1. Determinants of the physiological systems responses to muscular e x e rcise in 1 healthy subjects B.J. Whipp, P.D. Wagner, A. A g u s t i 2. Discriminating features of responses in cardiopulmonary exercise testing 3 6 S.A. Ward 3. Patterns of cardiopulmonary response to exercise in lung diseases 6 9 D.E. O’Donnell, D. Ofir, P. Laveneziana 4. Patterns of response diagnostic for cardiac disease 9 3 P. Agostoni, G. Cattadori 5. Equipment, measurements and quality control in clinical exercise testing 1 0 8 J. Porszasz, W. Stringer, R. Casaburi 6. L a b o r a t o ry tests 1 2 9 R. Gosselink, T. Troosters, D. Langer, M. Decramer 7. Walking for the assessment of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary 1 4 8 d i s e a s e S. Singh 8. R e f e rence values in adults 1 6 5 L. Puente-Maestu 9. E x e rcise testing in children with respiratory diseases 1 8 6 K-H. Carlsen, T. Stensrud 10. E x e rcise testing in the prognostic evaluation of patients with lung and heart 1 9 5 d i s e a s e s P. Palange, R. Antonucci, G. Valli 11. Role of exercise testing in defining the response to interventions in chronic 2 0 8 obstructive pulmonary disease patients M.A. Spruit, E.M. Mercken, E.F.M. Wouters, A . M . W.J. Schols 1 2 . Indications for e x e rcise testing: a critical perspective 2 2 1 P. Palange, S.A. Ward The European Respiratory Monograph Number 40 June 2007 Contents MON 40.qxd 29/7/09 17:48 Page 1
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